Valor Horses for Heroes Grantsboro, New Bern & Jacksonville, NC
fax: 1.252.458.2265
​​Please contact us if you would like to make a monetary contribution to sponsor therapy sessions for Active Duty Military Personnel, Veterans or active First Responders (Law Enforcement, Firefighter, EMS), or other clients who do not have full insurance coverage of sessions.
Contributions can also help clients receive equine-assisted psychotherapy by covering the $50 Equine Specialist fee.
Contributions are not tax deductible.
To schedule, call/text 252-631-8150

Insurance Plans Accepted
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Optum / VA Community Care
*If Medicaid is Primary or Secondary Insurance, we must bill as self-pay
New Client / First Session = $150
*$100 First Responder/Military/Veteran
Existing Client / Follow-up Sessions = $100
Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Veteran Trauma Therapy Grant:
Veterans may be eligible for 8 weekly sessions for individual, couples, or family equine-assisted psychotherapy at NO cost using grant funding. Ask for details.
There is an additional $50 Equine Specialist fee not covered by insurance. (This does not apply to VA CCN clients)
Client Registration Packet
All clients must fill out the required forms below.
Please email the completed forms to valorhorsesforheroes@gmail.com before your appointment date, or bring them with you to your first appointment.
Click Here for Client Intake Packet
Required for all clients before scheduling. Includes consent to therapy, expectations, and information for your therapist.
Review and keep for your records
Attendance Policies, required for all clients:
Please read and sign the Attendance policy, and keep the second page for your records. We value both your time and the time of our providers. As a result, if you need to cancel/reschedule an appointment, please give our office MORE THAN 1 business day's notice so your provider can offer the appointment to another client. Penalties for late cancellations/no-shows may include fees or inability to reschedule. See forms for details:
VA Community Care Referral Clients Click Here
ALL OTHER Clients (private insurance/self-pay) Click Here
Click Here for Credit Card Authorization Form
Required for all clients UNLESS using VA Referral for care. This will be used only for copays or no-show fees.